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[E] ziziko
[E] ziziko
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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Well.. some parents dont think youre responsible enough to have your own bank account. And the most 13-yearolds do have their own cellphone. Youre right that someone has to pay a surcharge, but then you could add the ammount of the surcharge to the SMS. Or the website could get some sponsors or something like that so the sponsors could pay the surcharge.
over 13 years ago
If you added an SMS pay method to the donation link you will get more credit cus there is many underaged people playing minecraft that dont have permission to use their parents card. And it is legal (as far as i know) that if you are 13 years or older you can pay by sending an SMS. Example: (number) and a code: Donate Minetown 5.00 There is many websites and games which uses that paying method. What do you guys think?
over 13 years ago